The Handy Service of A Tow Truck

By | June 2, 2017

If there is a breakdown or an accident of vehicle or the vehicle has run down into a culvert or an embankment or jumped off into a ditch, then you will surely have to get it hauled up and towed away to a garage. A tow truck is what you will have to summon to get the vehicle out. A tow truck is also popularly known as tow truck wrecker, a recovery truck ,a breakdown truck or a breakdown lorry.

Flat Bead AbingdonDifferent kinds of tow trucks are deployed for towing. Tow trucks with adjustable boom winch are used to recover vehicles that have fallen over or slipped into any place where it will not be possible to back-up safely. This could be a ditch, culvert or a steep embankment. Hooks and chains are used to loop around the axle or frame of the vehicle and lifted with the help of a boom. Sometimes slings are also used though it may scratch the bumpers of the vehicle. Wheel lift can be fitted under the drive wheels, front or rear wheels as the case may be. They are then hoisted with a hydraulic hoist for towing away. Sometimes the entire vehicle to be towed away is placed on the flatbed of the truck. Some tow trucks have an integrated lift which is a combination of wheel-lift and boom to move the vehicles.

Heavy duty trucks and light duty trucks are used as tow truck wreckers. Wrecked tow trucks too need another tow tuck to haul it away. It is always handy to keep the details of where you can summon a tow truck,you never know when you need it.

If the need for a tow truck comes on a major highway, then it is usually the highway authorities who come to tow away the vehicle. Towing services are also offered by private tow truck agencies. You may have to call them up over the phone. You may also send them a text message. A tow truck closest to the site of the need is then tracked and informed to rush to the place. GPS system is used as a tracking device to locate the precise location of the tow trucks at any point of time. The closest one to the site of the need is then deployed.

Tow trucks have many benefits. That is why, you need to ensure that you invest in the ones of good quality.

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